Friday, October 24, 2014

Project 2 - Paranormal Blacktivity Plot

A married white couple (Ryan and Amber played by Ryan Reynolds and Amber Heard) looking to start a new family moves into a new house. All is going well until Terry, next door neighbor, was going number two in the couple's bedroom bathroom. Terry tells them to get out and the couple runs away to call the police. A few moments later, Terry is being escorted out of the house in handcuffs and as he is leaving, he tells them to avoid the box in the corner of the attic. Later that night, Ryan and Amber are in their bedroom settling into bed with drinks when a door slams downstairs. Ryan grabs his baseball bat and goes downstairs to find the problem. The lights were on, the TV was on, and the refrigerator door was open with the sound of items being moved around. Ryan readies his bat to attack whoever was in the fridge. Kevin pops out of the fridge with a caprisun juice pack, surprising Ryan making him jump back. Kevin tells Ryan that he's out of chicken then leaves the house. 

A few nights later, Ryan and Amber invited their friends Emma Watson, Chris Evans, Tyler Perry, and a few other people for a new home party. Someone brought down the Ouija board from the attic and decided to have a seance with spirits. The board catches fire and so everyone starts roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. The lights start flickering, loud banging is happening upstairs, the chandelier in the dining room falls on the table. Everyone except Ryan and Amber run out of the house. Terry comes down from upstairs asking for more toilet paper.Amber calls the cops again and has Terry arrested while his pants are down.

The next night, there are noises coming from the kitchen. Kevin runs into the master bedroom screaming that there are ghost in the house and they're raiding the kitchen. Ryan and Kevin walk downstairs to find people dressed up in white sheets pretending to be ghosts. The real ghost comes and strips away the sheets and drags the people except Ryan and Kevin downstairs into the basement and slams the door. Kevin runs out the house screaming and flailing. Ryan pisses himself. Amber comes down with a shotgun about to shoot someone. Chris Tucker is watching television and turns around to tell them that they're here. 

bla bla bla

The house gets closed down.


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